
Boym partners

Boym Partners

Con­stan­tin and Lau­rene Boym bring a crit­i­cal, exper­i­men­tal wit of the every­day” to each prod­uct they design. Their objects are includ­ed in muse­ums such as the Muse­um of Mod­ern Art in NYC, and they were hon­ored with the Nation­al Design Award in Prod­uct Design, in 2009. Draw­ing from their trav­el expe­ri­ence, they apply a unique and intel­li­gent cre­ative fil­ter to wall­cov­er­ing pat­terns for Wolf-Gor­don.

The con­tract wall­cov­er­ing col­lec­tion they pro­duced for Wolf-Gor­don, Rec­ol­lec­tions, cel­e­brat­ed their mem­o­ries of sig­nif­i­cant mate­ri­als from their trav­els. Glas­gow, a tex­tur­al print, is based on the decon­struc­tion of a tra­di­tion­al Scot­tish plaid; Jaipur evokes the hand­crafts of India and includes hid­den” Hin­du imagery; and Venice pays homage to the Venet­ian mosaics of archi­tect Car­lo Scarpa.

Learn more about Rec­ol­lec­tions by the Boym Partners.