
Bradley Headshot 608x413

Bradley L Bowers

Release Date: 2022: "CHROMALIS by Bradley L Bowers"

Tra­di­tion­al bound­aries and lin­ear planes hard­ly con­tain the imag­i­na­tion of Bradley L Bow­ers, the cre­ative force and founder of the epony­mous stu­dio. After earn­ing hon­ors and advanced degrees from the Savan­nah Col­lege of Art and Design in Indus­tri­al and Fur­ni­ture design, Bradley found­ed the Bradley L Bow­ers brand in Miami’s Design District.

Cre­at­ed for Wolf-Gor­don, Chro­ma­lis by Bradley L Bow­ers is an explo­ration of col­or and move­ment, impart­ing the influ­ence of opti­cal illu­sions and dimen­sion on three uphol­stery tex­tiles and one wall­cov­er­ing. The col­lec­tion is pro­duced via dig­i­tal media and cre­ative­ly influ­enced by a vari­ety of Bow­ers’ per­son­al inter­ests, includ­ing art, gar­den­ing, and physics.

While devel­op­ing Chro­ma­lis, I explored col­or as the equal­iz­er that cre­ates per­spec­tive with­in a space, allow­ing pat­tern to add dif­fer­en­ti­a­tion. I like to chal­lenge the need for uni­for­mi­ty with­in pat­tern­ing while still under­stand­ing the impor­tance of bal­anc­ing a design.” 

- Bradley L Bow­ers, Artist and Designer