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Howl HKS43

What is Howl

Devel­oped as a resource for the design com­mu­ni­ty, Howl is Wolf-Gordon’s plat­form to share what inspires us and to high­light prac­ti­tion­ers and schol­ars — both past and present — in the hopes of inspir­ing your own design process. Along with inter­views and fea­tures curat­ed by design jour­nal­ists such as Paul Makovsky and David Sokol, Howl covers:

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Space/​Pattern/​Texture: Pro­fil­ing design­er-artists who are cre­at­ing provoca­tive work.

Col­lec­tion Spot­light: High­light­ing fresh per­spec­tives on Wolf-Gor­don products. 

Take a Look: A time­ly selec­tion of exhi­bi­tions, lec­tures, and dig­i­tal resources.

HOWL 10: Take a Look

Sub­ver­sive, Skilled, Sub­lime: Fiber Art by Women
Smith­son­ian Amer­i­can Art Muse­um Wash­ing­ton, DC

Mate­r­i­al Acts: Exper­i­men­ta­tion in Archi­tec­ture and Design
Craft Con­tem­po­rary Los Ange­les, CA

We Live in Paint­ing: The Nature of Col­or in Mesoamer­i­can Art
Los Ange­les Coun­ty Muse­um of Art Los Ange­les, CA

Mak­ing Home: Coop­er Hewitt Tri­en­ni­al
Coop­er Hewitt, Smith­son­ian Design Muse­um New York, NY

Future Obser­va­to­ry Jour­nal, Issue One: Biore­gion­al­ism”
 Design Muse­um Lon­don, UK