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Lookbook: Behind the Design



Perfect for indoor and outdoor applications

Roy, Screen & Score

Coordinates for modular seating


Inherently antimicrobial recycled polyester

Stroma & Nakata

Nature-inspired designs

Marcotte & Eden

Extremely durable coated textiles

Behind the design

Our love of botan­i­cals inspired this mod­ern take on hand-drawn flow­ers. Woven on a jacquard loom, Char­lotte is abra­sion-resis­tant and per­fect for indoor and out­door applications.

Roy, Screen and
Score meet the demands of mod­u­lar seat­ing. Designed in com­ple­men­tary scales and col­ors, all three pat­terns are easy to mix and match. Their poly­ester blend con­struc­tions are high­ly durable and fea­ture a stain-repel­lent finish.

Sirona with Pro­tect+ is a ground­break­ing tex­tile with inher­ent­ly antimi­cro­bial cop­per and sil­ver salts built in. Its soft, nub­by boucle tex­ture, with a small black accent for added dimen­sion, cre­ates a lux­u­ri­ous feel. Bleach-clean­able Sirona has a sooth­ing palette of 12 col­or­ways inspired by nat­ur­al dyes.

Naka­ta and Stro­ma were gen­er­at­ed from a macro- and micro­scop­ic look at plants. Naka­ta is an abstract­ed aer­i­al view of fields, while Stro­ma puts a lens on a cross sec­tion of a tree. The results are high­ly tex­tur­al. Naka­ta and Stro­ma fea­ture recy­cled con­tent, have excel­lent dura­bil­i­ty and are bleach cleanable.

Craft and com­po­si­tion are key fea­tures of Mar­cotte and Eden coat­ed uphol­stery tex­tiles. Mar­cotte fea­tures hand-drawn dash­es of vary­ing thick­ness­es which pro­mote move­ment with­in the pat­tern. Eden is com­posed of light- and dark-col­ored dots and dash­es that merge in an ener­getic bas­ketweave pat­tern. Both bleach-clean­able and extreme­ly durable designs include ver­sa­tile col­or palettes.