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Lookbook: The Frequency Series GATHER® Acoustical

GATHER Acoustical




The Frequency Series

GATH­ER® Acousti­cal pan­els com­bine the sci­ence and art of acoustics. In the Fre­quen­cy Series,” that inter­sec­tion is explored in three new designs: Cadence, Hertz, and Pul­sar. These designs draw inspi­ra­tion from Chlad­ni fig­ures” — an acousti­cal phe­nom­e­non dis­cov­ered in the ear­ly nine­teenth cen­tu­ry that allows us to visu­al­ize the pat­terns of son­ic vibra­tion — in oth­er words, the shapes and pat­terns of sound itself. With their high-NRC con­struc­tion, GATH­ER Fre­quen­cy pan­els, sized in 24” x 24” mod­ules, play­ful­ly depict sound while mit­i­gat­ing noise. 


Like a bright star blink­ing in the night sky, GATH­ER Pul­sar catch­es the eye. The inno­v­a­tive gra­di­ent V‑groove engrav­ing allows the col­or of the design’s bot­tom lay­er to slow­ly reveal itself, inten­si­fy­ing the design’s star­burst effect.


Cadence com­bines the Chlad­ni fig­ures for the fre­quen­cy of 73b Hz — an undu­lat­ing pat­tern of scal­loped hor­i­zon­tal lines, with 75 Hz — a more con­ven­tion­al, reg­u­lar­ly-spaced grid, result­ing in a rhyth­mic design formed by a gra­di­ent V‑groove engraving.


Named for the unit by which sound fre­quen­cy is mea­sured, Hertz is a sys­tem­at­ic grid — with a qui­et twist. This two-lay­er panel’s gra­di­ent V‑groove allows for a mul­ti­lay­ered design, with the engraved grid reveal­ing the col­or of the bot­tom lay­er while giv­ing the top layer’s squares a soft­ened shape.