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Lookbook: Learning Spaces WG Design Studio

Wallcovering Wall Protection Upholstery


Acoustical fabric for walls and upholstery

Woven Upholstery

Made for modular seating
34 Colorways

Coated Upholstery

Textiles that hold up to new cleaning protocols
18 Colorways

RAMPART® Wall Protection

Resistant to impact and heavy abuse
50 Colorways

Wink & Scuffmaster

Dry-erase and scuff-resistant finishes
2 Colorways

Materials for Education

Impor­tant con­ver­sa­tions are tak­ing place across all indus­tries on how inte­ri­ors can be redesigned to bet­ter pro­tect our health, safe­ty, and wel­fare. For K‑12 schools, col­leges, and uni­ver­si­ties, uncer­tain­ty remains as plans for reopen­ing are being deter­mined. COVID-19 is teach­ing us that design­ing for well-being is a major goal.

High­er Clean­ing Standards:

  • Prod­ucts like bleach and oth­er dis­in­fec­tants, which meet the EPA cri­te­ria for use against the coro­n­avirus, will inspire more con­fi­dence in keep­ing stu­dents of all ages safe.
  • Antimi­cro­bial fin­ish­es that can weak­en or kill pathogens are in demand for high-touch surfaces.
  • Although evi­dence sug­gests that it’s hard­er to catch the virus from a soft sur­face such as fab­ric, rou­tine clean­ing and dis­in­fect­ing is recommended.


  • Design­ing for clean­ing and dis­in­fect­ing by spec­i­fy­ing smooth, easy-to-clean sur­faces will help low­er the risk of infection.
  • Clean­ing pro­to­cols, espe­cial­ly for com­mon touch sur­faces, will need to be enhanced and more vis­i­ble to help stu­dents and staff feel more at ease.
  • Uphol­stery tex­tiles for com­mu­nal spaces, such as libraries, din­ing halls, and study cen­ters, must be invit­ing and able to with­stand heavy abuse.

Spa­tial Planning:

  • Space plan­ning with social dis­tanc­ing in mind may require sound-absorb­ing move­able bar­ri­ers, allow­ing for more flex­i­ble spaces.
  • Com­mu­nal set­tings such as libraries and study cen­ters will ben­e­fit from fur­ni­ture that can be eas­i­ly rearranged.
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Color Trends

  • Creative color schemes for gathering places such as cafeterias and residence halls can make students feel more connected to the college community.
  • Incorporating natural colors and materials into these schemes will be essential in providing a buffer for students who are in a stressful academic environment.