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Lookbook: Made of Wood

Wallcovering Wall Protection

Regions Birth Center


Q2 Holdings

Wood Veneer Wallcovering

Brooklyn Law School

RAMPART® Flexible Wall Protection


Wood brings unique pat­tern­ing, bio­philic char­ac­ter, and warmth to inte­ri­ors. This month, we cel­e­brate wood and wood looks across dif­fer­ent prod­uct cat­e­gories, with a spe­cial empha­sis on sustainability.

  • We offer the widest range of real wood wall­cov­er­ings for com­mer­cial spaces in the form of Wood Veneers, Won­der­Wood®, and Bilden­Wood®, all sourced from man­aged forests.
  • Pat­terns such as Taiga and Pan­do, in CLAIR® PVC-free, Type II wall­cov­er­ing are ide­al design solu­tions for bio­philic inte­ri­ors pur­su­ing green build­ing certification.
  • For high-per­for­mance, PVC-free flex­i­ble wall pro­tec­tion, check out RAM­PART® Resolve™ in Alba and Inyo. RAM­PART also offers wood-inspired designs: Grain, Dou­glas, and Glaze.
  • Wood pat­tern­ing inspired by arti­facts in the Muse­um of New Mex­i­co col­lec­tions—Catal­pa, Paw­paw, Tama­rack, and Tupe­lo—can be dig­i­tal­ly print­ed on PVC-free sub­strates that offer supe­ri­or res­o­lu­tion and Type II performance.
  • Final­ly, our Type II con­tract wall­cov­er­ings—Grove, Boscage, Grange, and Her­ring­bone Etch, add sev­er­al more wood-look options.
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Wood Installations

LIXIL Headquarters, Piscataway, NJ

Design: Gensler | Photos: Courtesy of Gensler | Wood Veneer Wallcovering

When designing LIXIL Headquarters, Gensler integrated products that embodied the company’s motto: “good living.” Spaces were developed to be flexible, enhance immersive product displays and encourage employees to come together. Wolf-Gordon’s wood veneer wallcovering was installed in the entrances and wash stations surrounding a completely touchless restroom. The company’s modern appliances paired perfectly with the sleek design of our American White Oak wood veneer wallcovering.

Regions Birth Center, St. Paul, MN

Design: BWBR | Photos: Brandon Stengel | RAMPART, WonderWood

BWBR incorporated wood veneer wallcovering into various spaces at Regions Birth Center to give it the warmth of a hospitality environment. Our Australian Walnut, Qtd WonderWood wallcovering was specified for common areas throughout the facility so the firm could maintain the use of natural wood at a reduced cost compared to wood panels.

Q2 Holdings, Austin, TX

IA Interior Architects | Photos: Peter Molick | Wood Veneer Wallcovering, Felted Wallcovering

Wolf-Gordon products were used throughout the newly built corporate headquarters of this digital financial services provider. Office and corridor walls were furnished with our Black Ebony and Brown Ash wood veneers. Our Felted wallcovering provides sound mitigation in conference rooms, private areas, and public spaces, and other walls were adorned with graphic shapes and digitally printed geometric patterns on the felt material.

Brooklyn Law School, Brooklyn, NY

Design: BKSK Architects and Interiors | Photos: R Koch | RAMPART

RAMPART is a great solution for high-traffic areas, which made it a perfect fit for Brooklyn Law School. BKSK Architects and Interiors put RAMPART Grain flexible wall protection to the test by wrapping columns and dividers, giving them the appearance of solid wood. Grain’s vertical embossing and matte finish contribute to the natural look and feel of the space.