
Mae In Tokyo

Lookbook: Mae Engelgeer Through the Lens


Home in Amsterdam



Mae Engelgeer + Wolf-Gordon

Mae Engelgeer: Through the Lens


To gain insight into Mae Engelgeer’s intu­itive process is to see her in the rich con­text of 21st cen­tu­ry Dutch design, and her rev­er­ence for the craft and arti­sans asso­ci­at­ed with each mate­r­i­al inter­ac­tion. From her fear­less exper­i­ments in real time weav­ing at the Tex­tielLab in Tilburg to her immer­sion in indige­nous process­es for Kyoto kimono silk and Nepalese rugs, Engel­geer opens her­self and, in turn, us to new design outcomes. 

Syn­the­siz­ing his­tor­i­cal and con­tem­po­rary influ­ences – often archi­tec­tur­al in ori­gin – of her own cul­ture with those of her trav­els abroad, Engel­geer repeat­ed­ly hits the right note. Her exquis­ite sense of col­or, and com­bi­na­tion of form and mate­r­i­al, catch our atten­tion for their fresh­ness, yet are ground­ed in bal­anced composition. 

Join Wolf-Gor­don CCO Mary­beth Shaw and Mae Engel­geer for a con­ver­sa­tion on IG Live Thurs­day, Sep­tem­ber 10th at 12 pm EDT.

Mae Englegeer India

About Mae Engelgeer

After graduating from the Amsterdam Fashion Instituut and Sandberg Instituut, where she specialized in textile design and applied arts, Dutch designer Mae Engelgeer opened her own studio in Amsterdam in 2014. Her work on product design, installations, and international collaborations combines her expertise in craft and new technology. In her two collections of upholstery fabrics for Wolf-Gordon, Engelgeer imparts openness, sophistication and a sure sense of direction.