
Canopy 1400x900

Lookbook: Out of the Archive



3 Colorways


3 Colorways


3 Colorways


3 Colorways


3 Colorways


3 Colorways

Out of the Archive

Under­stand­ing the val­ue of look­ing back in order to ven­ture for­ward, WG Design Stu­dio cre­at­ed the Out of the Archive” col­lec­tion. After review­ing hun­dreds of pat­terns from an exten­sive wall­pa­per archive, ten were cho­sen with the inten­tion of adding more large-scale dec­o­ra­tive designs to the Wolf-Gor­don library. In light of cur­rent times and acknowl­edg­ing the influ­ence that res­i­den­tial trends are hav­ing on com­mer­cial inte­ri­ors, the refreshed designs con­jure up the com­forts of home and an opti­mistic attitude.

Each of the 10 pat­terns in the Out of the Archive cat­a­log is offered in three col­or­ways, cho­sen to com­ple­ment a wide range of inte­ri­or themes. Because they are print­ed dig­i­tal­ly, cus­tom col­or­ing — as well as changes in scale, tex­ture, and sub­strate — is avail­able for a low min­i­mum order. 


Arca­dia: Adapt­ed from a his­tor­i­cal wall­pa­per pat­tern that has been re-ren­dered with a graph­ic etch­ing effect, this for­est of lis­some trees cre­ates a sim­ple and serene back­ground cel­e­brat­ing nature’s beauty.

Canopy: A sense of well-being is evoked by this bio­philic design that cap­tures the effect of look­ing at the sky through a canopy of rose bush­es. Tonal lay­ers pro­vide a sense of depth that brings the re-envi­sioned his­tor­i­cal botan­i­cal to life.

Flo­ra: A vin­tage flo­ral wall­pa­per from the 1940s was the basis for this mul­ti-col­ored pat­tern ren­dered in soft water­col­or hues. Updat­ed and dig­i­tal­ly print­ed with a larg­er scale, the botan­i­cal design cap­i­tal­izes on the nos­tal­gia and com­fort felt with a tra­di­tion­al-style pattern.

Hed­era: The graph­ic appeal and play­ful move­ment of this whim­si­cal ivy leaf wall­pa­per pat­tern from the 1950s finds new life with a larg­er scale, smooth tex­ture, and con­tem­po­rary col­or palette.

Samoa: Trop­i­cal prints and gar­den themes have seen a resur­gence in today’s inte­ri­ors. This exu­ber­ant pat­tern of palm fronds, based on an archived wall­pa­per design, has a retro vibe while being suit­able for con­tem­po­rary and tran­si­tion­al spaces.


Manor: Orig­i­nal­ly intend­ed to mim­ic woven tapes­tries, damask pat­terns have long been used for their ele­gance and dec­o­ra­tive qual­i­ty. This reimag­ined design will give a boost to inte­ri­ors from tra­di­tion­al to contemporary.

Palaz­zo: A clas­sic acan­thus-leaf damask wall­pa­per with an antiqued effect was revamped to cre­ate this large-scale dig­i­tal­ly print­ed ver­sion. The trend for apply­ing dis­tressed effects to inte­ri­or fin­ish­es has been cap­tured in tone-on-tone colorways.

Rajah: Based on a tra­di­tion­al ogee damask — used for cen­turies in Indi­an tex­tiles — this updat­ed wall­cov­er­ing design has the arti­sanal qual­i­ty of wood­block print­ing that was used in pro­duc­ing ear­ly wall­pa­per patterns.


Lat­tice: A clas­sic trel­lis pat­tern, which can be traced back to the 12th cen­tu­ry, was the inspi­ra­tion for this dynam­ic wall­cov­er­ing design. The tra­di­tion­al­ly sol­id linework is divid­ed into fine lines, giv­ing an airy feel­ing and sense of move­ment to the composition.

Tri­en­ni­al: Embroi­dered Folk art com­posed of tri­an­gu­lar shapes inspired this mod­ern redux. The wallcovering’s stitched” linework recalls the pattern’s ori­gin, and the back­ground is print­ed with a sub­tle tex­tile texture.