
Nakata 10x8

Lookbook: Sanctuary Reimagined


13 Colorways


7 Colorways



5 Colorways


29 Colorways

Trends in Biophilic and Emotive Design

As human beings, adap­ta­tion is a key ingre­di­ent to sur­vival. Over the past year, we have man­aged to adapt to a dif­fer­ent way of exist­ing — even enjoy­ing the lev­el of com­fort it has pro­vid­ed. When peo­ple are rein­tro­duced to the spaces they once inhab­it­ed, design­ers must take into con­sid­er­a­tion how a per­son feels when reen­ter­ing. Is it warm? Is it invit­ing? Does it make some­one feel safe? These are just a few of the assess­ments to be made. We look to the home as a place of sanc­tu­ary and now, more than ever, there’s a need to instill a sense of calm and com­fort in the places we work in.

Tying togeth­er bio­philic and emo­tive design, we con­tin­ue to see how nat­ur­al ele­ments have a major impact on the lev­el of com­fort some­one feels in a cer­tain envi­ron­ment. Mate­ri­als with the feel of nat­ur­al fibers and tac­tile tex­tures cre­ate a sense of con­nec­tion between human beings and objects. As such, there is a desire for sup­ple tex­tiles that are soft to the touch, while also being easy to clean and dis­in­fect. Hav­ing learned to live more sim­ply, pat­terns with organ­ic shapes, var­ie­gat­ed weaves, and a hand­craft­ed look will help trans­late this con­cept visually. 

Sooth­ing earth tones will bring a sense of calm and tran­quil­i­ty to a space. There is noth­ing daunt­ing about a pale pink accent or a mint green wall. Col­or and live­ly pat­tern­ing still have a place. How­ev­er, the emo­tion­al impact of the past year must be con­sid­ered, and soft mate­ri­als and nat­ur­al hues will dominate. 

Some of the Wolf-Gor­don tex­tiles recent­ly intro­duced ampli­fy these sen­ti­ments. Naka­ta, Stro­ma, Gabrielle, Wat­son, and Dorset are just a few of the many uphol­stery fab­rics you can find in our offer­ing. View our entire uphol­stery col­lec­tion or select the pat­tern, style, mate­r­i­al, or col­or you’re look­ing for by using the fil­ters on our website.