

Lookbook: Higher Scrub Ratings, Lower VOCs.


Raleigh Pediatric Associates

Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) by Small Kane Archi­tects

Washington Elementary School

ScrubTough—Elementary School by DLA Archi­tects, Ltd

Denver International Airport

ScrubTough—South Terminal Redevelopment by Gallun Snow

11 Hoyt

EnviroMetal—Brooklyn Residential Skyscraper by Studio Gang + Michaelis Boyd Associates

McDaniel College

ScrubTough—University Dining Hall by Marshall Craft Associates

Rice Box

ScrubTough—Japanese Restaurant

About Scuffmaster®

Wolf-Gor­don’s line of Scuff­mas­ter® paints offers indus­try-best dura­bil­i­ty, min­i­mal envi­ron­men­tal impact, and is offered in 10 archi­tec­tur­al fin­ish­es. We will match any col­or to what­ev­er sam­ple you pro­vide in just about any of our fin­ish­es, at no addi­tion­al charge!

Scuffmaster® Project Profiles

Raleigh Pediatric Associates

ScrubTough—Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) | Raleigh, NC | Design: Small Kane Archi­tects, PA | Pho­tos: Marc Lamkin

At Raleigh Pedi­atric Asso­ciates, Small Kane Archi­tects designed a warm and wel­com­ing envi­ron­ment. Through­out the patient exam rooms and physi­cians’ offices, walls are fin­ished in a series of ​“Pop­si­cle” col­ors, con­vey­ing an upbeat infor­mal­i­ty. The atri­um fea­tures our long-last­ing Scuff­mas­ter Scrubtough eggshell paint, which ensures easy main­te­nance and clean­ing in this child-friend­ly environment.


Washington Elementary School

ScrubTough—Early Childhood | Schiller Park, IL | Design: DLA Archi­tects, Ltd | Pho­to: Alexan­der Romanovsky | Scuff­mas­ter®, Scrubtough

When Schiller Park School Dis­trict decid­ed to build a new ele­men­tary school, it pri­or­i­tized the cre­ation of inno­v­a­tive, col­lab­o­ra­tive spaces for flex­i­ble, 21st-cen­tu­ry learn­ing. Wash­ing­ton Ele­men­tary by DLA Archi­tects deliv­ered with a Learn­ing Neigh­bor­hoods con­cept: cen­tral com­mu­ni­ty spaces are sur­round­ed by four home­rooms. The neigh­bor­hoods are dis­tin­guished by their geo­met­ric shapes and col­or iden­ti­ties, which Wolf-Gordon’s Scuff­mas­ter paints, ScrubTough eggshell helped to define. DLA chose eas­i­ly clean­able Scuff­mas­ter instead of FRL wall pro­tec­tion for walls and nooks to main­tain con­tin­u­ous col­or and to pro­tect walls from fre­quent con­tact, i.e., dirt and scuff marks.


Denver International Airport

ScrubTough—South Terminal Redevelopment | Denver, CO | Gallun Snow Associates | Photographed by Denver International Airport

Formulated to exceed the demands required for one of the nation’s busiest airports, ScrubTough was the paint of choice for the redevelopment of the South Terminal at DEN. Gallun Snow provided construction oversight; Gensler and Anderson Mason Dale were the architects.


11 Hoyt

EnviroMetal—Brooklyn Residential Skyscraper | Brookyln, NY | Studio Gang + Michaelis Boyd

Located in Downtown Brooklyn, this new residential skyscraper was designed by architects Studio Gang with interiors by Michaelis Boyd Associates. On alternating floors and amenity areas, two different colors of EnviroMetal was used on the entry, fire exit, and elevator doors.


McDaniel College

ScrubTough—University Dining Hall | Westminster, MD | Marshall Craft Associates

The walls at every college in the nation are going to see a lot of daily wear and tear. Nowhere is the abuse going to be dished out more than in the dining halls and common areas. At McDaniel College in Westminster Maryland, Marshal Craft Associates planned ahead and had the entire space coated with ScrubTough.


Rice Box Restaurant

ScrubTough—Japanese Restaurant

Taking a departure from the traditional Japanese restaurant style, the interior of this restaurant has influences from De Stijl artist Mondrian. To enclose the kitchen area, fields of color framed in rectangles and squares were painted with Scuffmaster paints in muted primary shades.