
Striae sandstorm

Lookbook: Shade Shift Bradley L Bowers

Digital Wallcovering


3 Colorways


3 Colorways


3 Colorways

Shade Shift

Light hums, lines waver, and neu­tral col­ors enter dar­ing new con­texts in Shade Shift, the wall­cov­er­ing col­lec­tion by sur­face design­er Bradley L Bow­ers. Bow­ers has spent years study­ing the sci­ence and struc­ture of moiré effect pat­terns, and the three pat­terns in this col­lec­tion—Flux, Joule, and Stri­ae—are the stun­ning results.


Curv­ing chains of mul­ti­col­ored dots bend and arc across Fluxs expanse, cre­at­ing hor­i­zon­tal moiré effects that daz­zle the eye with the illu­sion of move­ment. This wall­cov­er­ing hums with ener­gy and light.


Bow­ers’ knowl­edge of moiré is on stun­ning dis­play in Joule. To cre­ate this dynam­ic design, Bow­ers care­ful­ly craft­ed and adjust­ed image-pro­duc­ing algo­rithms. Joule push­es the bound­aries of a con­ven­tion­al moiré by com­bin­ing mul­ti­ple lay­ers of linework that undu­late and intersect.


Bow­ers used his algo­rith­mi­cal­ly manip­u­lat­ed moiré effect pat­terns to explore ges­ture and motion through the gen­tly waver­ing lines of Stri­ae. Striae’s ver­ti­cal lines con­tract and expand in a steady visu­al rhythm, invit­ing a moment of pause and reflection.