When Wolf-Gordon planned to introduce a refreshed color palette for its Scuffmaster® brand of paint finishes, CCO Marybeth Shaw sought a research-driven approach. After analyzing Scuffmaster’s existing catalog, Shaw turned to powerhouse design firm Studio RENS to develop a framework that combined bestselling colors and finishes with exciting new concept colors. The resulting collection, presented in a 10 × 10 format, lives at the juncture between research and design.
To prepare for the relaunch of Scuffmaster, Shaw researched sales of Scuffmaster’s existing color catalog to find the colors and finishes that were most popular nationally as well as regionally.
“There might appear to be a particular color palette that emerges in the United States, but the fact is we are kind of fragmented when it comes to color. I wanted to look at not only colors and finishes that were selling well nationally, but also get more micro and look at regional markets.”
—Marybeth Shaw, Chief Creative Officer

Sales data provided insight into our varied national and regional color preferences. This information was used to produce lists of the top ten most popular colors in each of Scuffmaster’s nine architectural finishes.
This approach engendered a natural collaboration with Studio RENS. Led by Renee Mennen and Stefanie van Keijesteren, RENS utilizes analytical methods that forefront color as a key aspect of design. “They are very methodical and rational,” says Shaw. “And in the end, everything they do, aesthetically, is beautiful.”

Studio RENS was provided with the Scuffmaster data and tasked with creating a final selection of 100 paint colors: 60 bestsellers and 40 brand-new shades. RENS sought to enliven the palette by looking both beyond and between the existing shades, refreshing the collection by exploring overlooked colors. By researching exciting new concept colors, they expanded the scope of the palette.
The new collection is presented in a spectral array of paint swatches formatted in a 10 × 10 square grid. The visual exhibits both prevailing trends and surprising variations in our use of color, and promises exciting possibilities for the new era of Scuffmaster!