
Case Study Gen Am W06 A

Amwins Charlotte Service Center

Amwins devel­oped their first Ser­vice Cen­ter locat­ed in Char­lotte, NC with the goal of cre­at­ing a work­place envi­ron­ment that con­nect­ed their com­mu­ni­ty through cul­ture and brand. Col­lab­o­ra­tive and flex­i­ble spaces were designed to encour­age team­work and sup­port dif­fer­ent types of gath­er­ings. The local office want­ed to inte­grate nat­ur­al ele­ments and mate­ri­als into the space. Ini­tial­ly, Gensler planned to inte­grate a liv­ing wall or oth­er expres­sions of bio­philic design. Ulti­mate­ly, they decid­ed to go with Wolf-Gordon’s nat­ur­al cork, which allowed them to cre­ate state­ment areas with a nat­ur­al product.

Char­lotte, NC | Gensler | Pho­tos: Halkin Mason Photography