
News kabuto

Ballari and Kabuto: Inspired by Architectural Elements

Wolf-Gor­don intro­duces two new Type II wall­cov­er­ings, Bal­lari and Kab­u­to, in arti­sanal looks inspired by indus­tri­al mate­ri­als and archi­tec­tur­al ele­ments. The update includes pat­terns com­posed of painter­ly effects that are built up in broad strokes, or sub­tly removed to reveal metal­lic hints.

Bal­lari: A dis­tressed con­crete-look with char­ac­ter, Bal­lari emu­lates an impas­to paint­ing method by lay­er­ing col­or with broad, painter­ly strokes. Though con­crete is tra­di­tion­al­ly mat­te, Bal­lari reveals a hid­den lus­ter in the mylar, com­ple­ment­ed by a sophis­ti­cat­ed, neu­tral palette. Opaque ink is used to off­set the mylar, giv­ing an over­all rich­er effect.

Kab­u­to: In con­trast to Bal­lari, Kab­u­to appears to have lay­ers scraped away” to reveal hints of metal­lic beneath. The sparse patch­es of shine poke out uneven­ly, and are revealed over time in order to act as a sparse but ele­gant detail that draws the eye. Col­or­ways for the pat­tern were inspired by indus­tri­al met­als, and include pops of bold orange.