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BLUE Debuts at BDNY

Wolf-Gor­don is proud to announce a brand-new prod­uct line at BDNY 2024: BLUE. This con­tract wall­cov­er­ing col­lec­tion is inspired by the edi­to­r­i­al cool of fash­ion pho­tog­ra­phy — where the refined and sub­tle meets the dra­mat­ic state­ment. Ver­sa­tile, sculp­tur­al pat­terns with razor-sharp edges com­ple­ment each oth­er with prac­ti­cal col­or lines — plus hints of surprise. 

The col­or blue — a rar­i­ty in nature — sig­ni­fies dis­tinc­tive ele­gance. BLUE by Wolf-Gor­don cap­tures that ele­vat­ed style. This col­lec­tion, per­fect for sophis­ti­cat­ed hos­pi­tal­i­ty inte­ri­ors, fea­tures four bold but func­tion­al sig­na­ture pat­terns. Large-scale Awak­en opens the col­lec­tion with a peace­ful hor­i­zon­tal design com­posed of hand-inked curvi­lin­ear linework that resem­bles the unique sig­na­tures of fin­ger­prints and tree rings. High­line is a retro fash­ion pat­tern of thick tonal ver­ti­cal stripes that is as clas­sic as it is dar­ing, per­fect for a con­tem­po­rary hos­pi­tal­i­ty space. Cool, immer­sive Emerge cul­ti­vates a spa-like atmos­phere. Final­ly, Rock Ledges trompe l’oeil pat­tern of graph­ic sculpt­ed tile is a per­fect, soft geometric. 

BLUE’s sig­na­ture pat­terns are com­ple­ment­ed by tamer but no less styl­ish options. Rock, a stone­like design that coor­di­nates with Rock Ledge; linen-like Cloth; earthy Dune; soft-glam metal­lic Ritz; and wood­grain For­est are sim­pler yet declar­a­tive. When it’s time to make a state­ment, step into the high-fash­ion world of Wolf-Gor­don BLUE

Back­ing up BLUE, Wolf-Gor­don is exhibit­ing a range of prod­ucts per­fect for bou­tique hos­pi­tal­i­ty inte­ri­ors. These include Type II wall­cov­er­ings from the Chron­i­cle col­lec­tion, selec­tions of GATH­ER® Acousti­cal pan­els, and exam­ples of our Wood Veneer wall­cov­er­ing. Also fea­tured are Scuff­mas­ter® paints in sev­er­al archi­tec­tur­al fin­ish­es and mul­ti­ple uphol­stery options per­fect for hos­pi­tal­i­ty spaces — includ­ing pre­views of Cor­vo, a new vel­vet-like coat­ed uphol­stery, plus Criss Cross and Col­or Craft, exclu­sive woven uphol­stery fabrics. 

Wolf-Gordon’s lat­est prod­ucts will be dis­played at BDNY Booth #637 at the Jav­its Cen­ter from Novem­ber 10 to 112024.