
Eaton 1440x900 2

Eaton Middle School

This state-of-the-art facil­i­ty in an award-win­ning North­ern Col­orado school dis­trict fea­tures RAM­PART flex­i­ble wall pro­tec­tion in the 6th Grade Wing as well as dig­i­tal murals through­out com­mon spaces. RAM­PART, in par­tic­u­lar, was select­ed because RB+B need­ed an attrac­tive solu­tion to cov­er up the exist­ing glazed block. After installing dry­wall over the glazed block, RAM­PART went up with­out a hitch.

Eaton, CO | Design: RB+B Archi­tects | Pho­to: Time Frame Images