
Colin powell thumbnail

Colin L. Powell K-8 Academy

When design­ing this K‑8 school, Stan­tec was inspired by a mead­ow ecosys­tem where for­est and field meet — an apt metaphor for a build­ing where ele­men­tary and mid­dle school­ers share high­ly traf­ficked com­mon spaces. These areas required heavy-duty, low-main­te­nance wall pro­tec­tion, but the design­ers want­ed an alter­na­tive to rigid sheet goods that could show­case floor-to-ceil­ing graph­ics and aid in wayfind­ing. RAM­PART’s impact- and stain-resis­tant con­struc­tion stands up to heavy abuse and its dig­i­tal print­ing capa­bil­i­ties allow for the bold, bio­philic graph­ics that ener­gize com­mon areas. 

Marl­boro, MD | Design: Stan­tec | Pho­to: Thomas Holdsworth