
Nycxd 2021 Bloom

Curated Collection Wins NYCxDESIGN Award

A livestreamed awards cer­e­mo­ny, #nycxdes­ig­nawards, cel­e­brat­ing New York City’s place as a glob­al design cap­i­tal was held on May 17 – 18, 2021. Our just-released Curat­ed Col­lec­tion was the win­ner in the Con­tract Wall Cov­er­ing category. 

This was the sixth annu­al awards pre­sen­ta­tion host­ed by Inte­ri­or Design, and the win­ners and hon­orees can be viewed in an online gallery. Prod­uct cat­e­gories include every­thing from bath fit­tings to out­door seat­ing, as well as Health+Wellness and Envi­ron­men­tal Impact.

NYCxDE­SIGN, estab­lished in 2012, is now a not-for-prof­it enti­ty that spon­sors a six-day series of events that show­case NYC’s tal­ent­ed design com­mu­ni­ty. Held annu­al­ly in May, the fes­ti­val lever­ages the suc­cess of long­stand­ing events includ­ing ICFF and WantedDesign.