
Digital news slice curated

Digital Curated Collection Expanded

The Wolf-Gor­don Curat­ed Col­lec­tion has expand­ed to include more than 30 dif­fer­ent dig­i­tal designs and pho­to­graph­ic images by artists a wide range of col­ors and materials. 

The Curat­ed Col­lec­tion offers spe­cial­ly designed imagery for wall­cov­er­ings by a select group of artists. The lat­est fea­tured design, Slice, made in col­lab­o­ra­tion with karlsson­wilk­er inc., is an out­growth from an inter­ac­tive instal­la­tion at Neo­Con® 2015 that cap­tured images of vis­i­tors and processed them into vibrant abstract pat­terns dis­played on a 30-foot-long field of 15,000 LED lights. Slice is a body-gen­er­at­ed pat­tern that express­es the unique beau­ty of dig­i­tal imagery.

Oth­er new addi­tions include three new pat­terns by artist Car­la Weis­berg. Weisberg’s nature-inspired prints com­bine draw­ings and pho­tog­ra­phy — cut up and recon­fig­ured to cre­ate a new take on tra­di­tion­al designs such as stripes and crosshatches.

OBO Design Brook­lyn also con­tributed four new designs cap­tures the tex­tures of the city and trans­forms them into ele­gant visions and patterning.

Whether devel­op­ing a con­cept, mod­i­fy­ing an exist­ing design, or trans­lat­ing a mate­r­i­al, WG Cus­toms Lab’s team of skilled design­ers from the fields of art, illus­tra­tion, graph­ics, pho­tog­ra­phy, and inte­ri­or design over­see each project from con­cept to production.