
Four seasons thumbnail

Four Seasons Hotel St. Louis

When design­ing the guest rooms at the Four Sea­sons’ Hotel St. Louis, R|5 Design Agency want­ed to cre­ate the ulti­mate relax­ation expe­ri­ence for guests, com­plete with soft jew­el tones, dark accents, and light wood. To cre­ate the most refined space pos­si­ble, the design­ers want­ed a head­board wall with­out any seams. The WG Cus­toms Lab respond­ed with a beau­ti­ful solu­tion in the form of a wall­cov­er­ing mur­al with the bil­low­ing forms of water­col­or paint­ing in a blend of inky navy and pale sky blues, which per­fect­ly com­pli­ment­ed the rooms’ aes­thet­ics and col­or scheme. This wall­cov­er­ing was designed specif­i­cal­ly to be rail­road­ed to avoid any vis­i­ble seams.

St. Louis, MO | Design: R|5 Design Agency | Pho­to: Don Rid­dle | Dig­i­tal Wallcovering