
Howl02 collection spotlight

HOWL 02: Collection Spotlight

— Dig­i­tal Wallcovering

Blooma by Ghis­laine Viñas

Inspired by Swedish pat­tern­ing, Ghis­laine Viñas’ Blooma is a hap­py and con­fi­dent flo­ral cel­e­brat­ing nature whim­si­cal­ly. Viñas leads her inter­na­tion­al­ly renowned design stu­dio with a vision­ary approach, col­lect­ing inspi­ra­tion from the every­day and everywhere.



An aer­i­al view of vine­yards cat­alyzed the design of Naka­ta, an appre­cia­tive hybrid of organ­ic form and geom­e­try. Two-toned stitch­es grace­ful­ly inter­pret linework in a move­ment that can be seen and felt. Naka­ta is avail­able in thir­teen con­tem­po­rary colorways.


CLAIR® Taiga PVC-Free Type II

Wood looks are much desired across all cat­e­gories of inte­ri­or fin­ish­es, and Taiga inter­prets wood­grain in a high per­form­ing, PVC-free, and bleach clean­able con­struc­tion. Check out our thir­teen exquis­ite col­or­ways of nat­ur­al, pick­led, weath­ered and stained inspiration. 

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