
Howl logo 9

Issue 09

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Also includ­ed in this issue:

Space/​Pattern/​Texture: Pro­fil­ing design­er-artists doing provoca­tive work.

Col­lec­tion Spotlight:

  • City LaceRay­lene Marasco’s new dig­i­tal wall­cov­er­ing pat­tern for Wolf-Gor­don, City Lace, draws inspi­ra­tion from the artist’s per­son­al jour­ney: Maras­co trans­plant­ed to New York City from rur­al Penn­syl­va­nia in 1987. Pho­to­graph­ic images from both soft nat­ur­al sur­round­ings and harsh, vibrant cityscapes blend togeth­er, cre­at­ing a col­or field of ethe­re­al shad­ow and punc­tu­at­ed light. City Lace comes in four dis­tinct col­or­ways and is dig­i­tal­ly print­ed on Rebel”, our PVC-free substrate. 
  • Armor: Exu­ber­ant, out­spo­ken, and loud, Armor from Scuff­mas­ter® by Wolf-Gor­don cel­e­brates the ener­gy and dar­ing of punk rock in a fin­ish that is 45 times more durable than tra­di­tion­al paints. Those flashy spots act like tiny bumpers in high-traf­fic cor­ri­dors, heavy equip­ment, and med­ical areas, and for archi­tec­tur­al fea­tures. The col­ors of the base and effect coats can be mixed and matched for a one-of-a-kind look. 
  • Forza: PVC-free RAM­PART Resolve® pro­tects walls against impact and abra­sion in high-traf­fic inte­ri­ors. Forza’s arti­sanal look is owed to a tech­nique of lay­er­ing pearl and mat­te inks with a real­is­tic stone tex­ture. Mean­ing strength” in Ital­ian, Forza will give walls the look of solid­ly built stone while hid­ing imper­fec­tions and scuffs on its sur­face. The emboss­ing has a rough tac­tile qual­i­ty that com­pli­ments the pattern’s bold strokes, ren­dered in mul­ti­ple lay­ers of color.

Take a Look:

Next Issue: Spring 2024. See you then!

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