
Howl 10 thumbanil

Issue 10

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Also includ­ed in this issue:

Space/​Pattern/​Texture: Pro­fil­ing design­er-artists doing provoca­tive work

Col­lec­tion Spotlight:

  • Rana: Rana’s dense­ly packed foliage and curi­ous wildlife are ren­dered in a semi-real­is­tic hand-drawn style evoca­tive of old trea­sure maps or nature jour­nals. The design appeals to adven­tur­ous spir­its look­ing to bring a bit of the rain­for­est to their inte­ri­or project.
  • Sam­pler: Inspired by lay­ered stitch­work seen on a prac­tice sam­pler sewn by design­er Dorothy Cosonas’ moth­er when she was a young woman, Sam­pler over­lays thou­sands of stitch­es across the uphol­stery textile’s sur­face. This first-of-its-kind fab­ric mim­ics this stitch­work and explores the notion of orga­nized chaos.” The two lav­ish lay­ers are a mix­ture of mat­te and high-lus­ter yarns, cre­at­ing strik­ing depth and dimension.
  • Mahogany Rib­bon African, Qtd: Con­struct­ed from slices of nat­ur­al wood, Wolf-Gor­don’s veneer wall­cov­er­ings are avail­able in a wide range of species. Lum­ber is pro­cured from man­aged forests across the globe, while man­u­fac­tur­ing is done in the US.

Take a Look:

Next Issue: Spring 2025. See you then!