
Howl logo11

Issue 11

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Also includ­ed in this issue:

Space/​Pattern/​Texture: Pro­fil­ing design­er-artists doing provoca­tive work

Col­lec­tion Spotlight:

  • Mass: Ter­raz­zo-inspired shapes in a low relief float” on a high-loft marled ground woven with a diag­o­nal ori­en­ta­tion in this state­ment uphol­stery tex­tile by Mae Engel­geer. The irreg­u­lar shapes are shad­ed in a shiny ombré́ effect that con­trasts metal­lic yarns into the cot­ton and wool back­drop of the fabric.
  • Stri­ae: The gen­tly waver­ing lines of this wall­cov­er­ing result­ed from design­er Bradley L Bow­ers’ explo­ration of ges­ture and motion while algo­rith­mi­cal­ly manip­u­lat­ing moiré effect pat­terns. Striae’s ver­ti­cal lines con­tract and expand in a steady visu­al rhythm, invit­ing a stun­ning moment of pause and reflec­tion in any interior.
  • Pul­sar: Like a bright star blink­ing in the night sky, GATH­ER Acousti­cal Pul­sar catch­es the eye. The inno­v­a­tive gra­di­ent V‑groove engrav­ing allows the col­or of the design’s bot­tom lay­er to slow­ly reveal itself, inten­si­fy­ing the design’s star­burst effect.

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Next Issue: Sum­mer 2025. See you then!