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Issue 02

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Howls sec­ond issue is fresh off the press with fea­tures that dive into icon­ic fash­ion designs, tapes­tries that play with past and present, and sto­ries that take us through one indi­vid­u­al’s expe­ri­ence endur­ing the pan­dem­ic in New York City.

  • A Repeat Per­for­mance a fea­ture piece by Lib­by Sell­ers, takes us on a trip through the 60s, delv­ing into the inspi­ra­tion behind Eng­lish tex­tile design­er Celia Birtwell’s bold, roman­tic, and time­less patterns.
  • A Horticulturist’s Dream­scape a review of Thomas Renwart’s design process, which takes root in the obser­va­tion of flow­ers and insects.
  • On the Radar: Mon­i­ca Kumar in which Anna Zap­pia gets insight into an emerg­ing inte­ri­or design­er’s sur­vival sto­ry in New York, dur­ing the pan­dem­ic. Through Kumar’s lived expe­ri­ences she was able to focus her efforts on equi­ty issues in the design indus­try and work to address the how” in insti­tut­ing change.
  • Howl con­tin­ues with a sec­tion called Space/​Pattern/​Texture” which pro­files three design­er-artists who are doing provoca­tive work in graph­ic art, tex­tile art, and painting.

A quick Col­lec­tion Spot­light puts the focus on three of Wolf-Gor­don’s prod­ucts that give a fresh per­spec­tive on bio­phillic design: a dig­i­tal print wall­cov­er­ing inspired by Swedish flo­ral pat­tern­ing; an uphol­stery tex­tile pat­tern based on a macro view of a vine­yard that allows one to admire its organ­ic form; and, one of our new CLAIR® PVC-free Type II wall­cov­er­ings fea­tur­ing a refined wood­grain look.

Final­ly, we wad­ed through the abun­dance of exhi­bi­tions, lec­tures, pod­casts, and oth­er online resources, iden­ti­fy­ing five of our favorites. From the advent of Post­mod­ernism to bipar­ti­san col­lab­o­ra­tion on a tex­tile instal­la­tion, this issue’s favorites are list­ed with links to their sources.

Feed­back and sug­ges­tions for future con­tent can be addressed to howl@​wolfgordon.​com.

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