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Issue 05

When a Textile Determines Life or Death: the Apollo spacesuit
Tomorrow's Houses from Yesterday: Snapshots from Modern Times
Shaping Concrete with Fabric

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Also includ­ed in this issue:

Space/​Pattern/​Texture: Pro­fil­ing design­er-artists doing provoca­tive work.

Col­lec­tion Spot­light: High­light­ing fresh per­spec­tives from Wolf-Gor­don products:

  • Bore­alis — Bradley L Bow­ers designed Bore­alis as a tes­ta­ment to the fact that every­thing in life is in the process of hap­pen­ing. This pattern’s soft gra­di­ent resem­bles spec­tral (or alien!) forms mor­ph­ing into view with a look of sub­tle movement.
  • RAM­PART® Resolve™ — RAM­PART Resolve pro­tects walls against impact and abra­sion in high-traf­fic inte­ri­ors, and it’s PVC-free. Redon­do is an intri­cate, mul­ti-tex­tured emboss­ing joined with a high­ly detailed print — with metal­lic accents — to achieve the appear­ance and tac­tile expe­ri­ence of con­crete (or the moon’s surface!).
  • Sirona — This inher­ent­ly antimi­cro­bial uphol­stery tex­tile is wor­thy of the space age! Unlike oth­er antimi­cro­bial fab­rics that con­tain harm­ful top­i­cal chem­i­cal treat­ments, Sirona is woven with Pro­tect+ tech­nol­o­gy which embeds nat­ur­al cop­per and sil­ver salts into recy­cled poly­ester to per­ma­nent­ly inhib­it the growth of microbes — includ­ing staph, E. coli, and kleb­siel­la — in or on the fab­ric, and reduce the odor caused by bacteria.

Cur­rent Exhi­bi­tions, Lec­tures & Podcasts:

Next Issue: Win­ter 2023. See you then! 

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