
Howl7 news

Howl: Issue 07

Project HI > AI: The Contrast of Human to Artificial Intelligence
Smashing Silos: Why Contemporary Ceramics are Having a Moment
Before We Were Modern: Reappraising the Importance of Art Deco

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Also includ­ed in this issue:

Space/​Pattern/​Texture: Pro­fil­ing design­er-artists doing provoca­tive work.

Col­lec­tion Spot­light: GATH­ER® Acousti­cal 

  • Ella — Pre­ci­sion cutout and dou­ble lay­ered GATH­ER® Acousti­cal pan­els achieve noise reduc­tion coef­fi­cients (NRC) of 0.45 to mit­i­gate noise in com­mer­cial inte­ri­ors, and, if installed with our stand­off hard­ware, can reach 0.80! The Ella design is based on an exquis­ite tile pat­tern of grace­ful arcs that build to an over­all flo­ral effect in 100% recy­cled, felt­ed PET.
  • Rafter — Per­fect­ly cut, scored and fold­ed mod­ules are insert­ed into a stan­dard ¼‑inch pan­el to cre­ate this excit­ing dimen­sion­al wall with a 0.55 NRC. The Rafter design in GATH­ER® Acousti­cal pan­els can be inter­pret­ed in sin­gle or mul­ti­ple col­or­ways. Choose from the collection’s 12 neu­tral and chro­mat­ic sol­id col­ors of 100% recy­cled, felt­ed PET.
  • Bas­ket — Anoth­er Wolf-Gor­don dimen­sion­al exclu­sive, Bas­ket is a hand­wo­ven super-scaled bas­ketweave that can be adhered direct­ly to a wall for a 0.50 NRC or installed with stand­off hard­ware for an impres­sive 0.90 NRC. Cre­ate a dra­mat­ic fea­ture wall that has excep­tion­al acousti­cal per­for­mance with GATH­ER® Acousti­cal.

Take a Look:

Next Issue: Fall 2023. See you then! 

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