
Kips bay thumbnail

Kip's Bay Showroom

The uncon­ven­tion­al yet thought­ful details in Ghis­laine Viñas’ one of a kind par­lor required a wall­cov­er­ing that bal­anced the spec­tac­u­lar and the tra­di­tion­al. Mad Plaider, an off­beat, over­sized plaid wall­cov­er­ing she designed for Wolf-Gor­don, was giv­en a fur­ther fun twist with the help of the WG Cus­toms Lab. Play­ful black­work graph­ics and murals are brought down to earth by a cus­tom beige col­or­way of the larg­er-than-life tar­tan, a quirky, detailed back­drop that ties all the ele­ments of this eccen­tric par­lor together.

New York, NY | Design: Ghis­laine Viñas | Pho­to: Julian Huarte, Nick Sar­gent & Jaime Viñas | Dig­i­tal Wallcovering