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London Chic: Inspired by City's Eclecticism

We’ve released new pat­tern­ing inspired by one of the of the world’s most beloved cities in its lat­est edi­tion of Lon­don Chic Type II wall­cov­er­ing. The pat­terns in this col­lec­tion ref­er­ence the city’s regal lux­u­ry as well as its cul­tur­al diver­si­ty, and are cer­ti­fied to the NSF/ANSI 342 sus­tain­abil­i­ty stan­dard.

Bel­gravia: A com­bi­na­tion of detailed linework and shim­mer­ing metal­lic inks, avail­able in nine ele­gant colorways. 

Kens­ing­ton: A pop­u­lar lin­ear pat­tern is refreshed with tint­ed sil­ver and gold embell­ish­ments in 19 colorways.

Hag­ger­ston: This edgy metal­lic has a weath­ered appear­ance as if splat­tered by rain­drops, and comes in six dif­fer­ent colorways.

Brix­ton: A nod to our sig­na­ture tex­tur­al pat­terns, the tip print process allows for a wide range of metallics and gives Brix­ton an illu­sion of depth and bark-like feel. The pat­tern is avail­able in 12 dif­fer­ent colorways.

Isling­ton Sta­tion: This refined, mid-scale geo­met­ric has a del­i­cate line and inter­lock­ing shapes for a trend-for­ward look in nine colorways.

Isling­ton: Ele­gant and mut­ed, Isling­ton has a fab­ric-like print that con­veys a soft, pro­gres­sive pat­tern in nine match­ing coor­di­nates to Isling­ton Station.

Green­wich: Sig­nal­ing rus­tic opu­lence, Green­wich has the look of a true raw silk look. The flex­i­ble palette of 19 col­or­ways fea­tures sophis­ti­cat­ed neu­trals with metal­lic inks.