
Maplewood thumbnail

Maplewood Senior Living

For the Maple­wood Nurs­ing Home in Rochester, NY, Spec­trum Design Group sought to cre­ate an inte­ri­or that was as beau­ti­ful as it was func­tion­al. Cus­tom Type II Wall­cov­er­ing and RAM­PART flex­i­ble wall pro­tec­tion pro­vid­ed solu­tions to both con­cerns through­out the facil­i­ty. A mur­al of wild­flow­ers and trees, crisply dig­i­tal­ly print­ed on Type II wall­cov­er­ing, enlivens one of the facility’s com­mon spaces. Mul­ti­ple RAM­PART pat­terns are used in heav­i­ly-traf­ficked patient cor­ri­dors, as it is cru­cial that these spaces can with­stand the abuse of carts, wheel­chairs, and oth­er med­ical equip­ment and still look good. Dou­glas is pro­vides a beau­ti­ful faux wood look in res­i­dent door­ways, where it seam­less­ly wraps mul­ti­ple 90° inte­ri­or cor­ners. Venn Tex­ture and Spar­ta, also used in the cor­ri­dors and com­mon areas, pro­vide the sub­tle tex­tures of fab­ric and wood grain, respec­tive­ly, while pro­tect­ing the walls from impact.

Rochester, NY | Design: Spec­trum Design Group | Pho­to: Kim Smith Pho­to | RAM­PART® and Dig­i­tal RAMPART®