
Mitsubishi 0371

Mitsubishi Motors North America Headquarters

When Mit­subishi Motors North Amer­i­ca relo­cat­ed to Nashville, TN, IA Archi­tects want­ed to reflect the company’s open cul­ture with open office design. They used Felt­ed acousti­cal wall­cov­er­ing in col­or­way Uppi­ty Gray” to com­bat the poten­tial acousti­cal prob­lems of an open office space and make sure that Mitsubishi’s head­quar­ters were the per­fect space for work and col­lab­o­ra­tion. Bleach clean­able and made of 100% post-con­sumer recy­cled mate­r­i­al, Felt­ed has an NRC of 0.25 to sus­tain­ably and attrac­tive­ly enhance the sound qual­i­ty in Mitsubishi’s offices.

Nashville, TN | Design: IA Archi­tects | Pho­to: Gar­rett Row­land | Felted