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Performance that Lasts. Sustainability that Matters.

Scuff­mas­ter: Heavy Traf­fic Paint Solutions

Scuff­mas­ter paint stands out for its dura­bil­i­ty, sus­tain­abil­i­ty, and end­less col­or choic­es. Per­fect for both com­mer­cial and res­i­den­tial spaces, it’s designed to last. And now Scuff­mas­ter is even bet­ter: new break­throughs in our for­mu­la­tions mean high­er scrub rat­ings and low­ered VOCs. Let’s explore why it’s the best choice for your next inte­ri­or project.

Unmatched Dura­bil­i­ty, Low­er Over­all Cost

Scuff­mas­ter is more than just tough — it’s up to 90 times more durable than lead­ing res­i­den­tial paints, depend­ing on which fin­ish you chose. Our ver­sa­tile eggshell paint, ScrubTough, fea­tures a new­ly improved scrub rat­ing of 22,000 — more than 40 times greater than com­peti­tors. Semi-gloss Scrubtough Max, with its new for­mu­la­tion, boasts a stag­ger­ing scrub rat­ing of 34,000 scrubs. 

Den­ver Inter­na­tion­al Air­port — South Ter­mi­nal Rede­vel­op­ment | Den­ver, CO | Gal­lun Snow Asso­ciates | Pho­tographed by Den­ver Inter­na­tion­al Airport

What these scrub rat­ings mean is that the paints han­dle heavy clean­ing and san­i­tiz­ing, includ­ing with hos­pi­tal-grade dis­in­fec­tants, with­out wear­ing down. Which says mon­ey in the long run. Over a 5‑year peri­od, the lead­ing eggshell paint typ­i­cal­ly requires two repaints ver­sus no repaint­ing with ScrubTough. When you add up the high costs of repaint­ing (labor, mate­ri­als, prepa­ra­tion), the cheap­er paint becomes the much more expen­sive option.

Eco-Friend­ly and Sus­tain­able Paint Options

Want envi­ron­men­tal­ly friend­ly paint that sup­ports green build­ing stan­dards? Scuffmaster’s sus­tain­able for­mu­las help you achieve LEED cer­ti­fi­ca­tion. Our water­based, low-VOC paints use VOC-free col­orants and com­ply with the CDPH Stan­dard method and MAS Cer­ti­fied Green® program.

Bay­lor Uni­ver­si­ty — Hurd Cen­ter | Waco, TX | Design: Pop­u­lus | Pho­tos: Matt Kocourek

Most Scuff­mas­ter fin­ish­es have elim­i­nat­ed APEO, a ground­wa­ter haz­ard, and all are free from for­ev­er chem­i­cals” like PFAS. Made in Amer­i­ca in a facil­i­ty that uses renew­able ener­gy, each fin­ish has an HPD and is list­ed in the Mind­ful Mate­ri­als library. These sus­tain­abil­i­ty fea­tures can con­tribute to LEED per­for­mance cred­its BD+C (LEED for Build­ing Design and Con­struc­tion) and ID+C (LEED for Inte­ri­or Design and Con­struc­tion). To keep your entire paint job green, make sure to use Scuff­mas­ter primers before you paint. 

Scuff­mas­ter offers a wide vari­ety of fin­ish­es to suit any inte­ri­or theme. Choose from:

Wash­ing­ton Ele­men­tary School | Schiller Park, IL | Design: DLA Archi­tects, Ltd | Pho­to: Alexan­der Romanovsky

No mat­ter which fin­ish you choose, Scuff­mas­ter col­ors stay vibrant longer thanks to 100% tita­ni­um diox­ide pig­ments. Plus, every fin­ish is avail­able in what­ev­er col­or you choose, at no extra cost!

Choose Scuff­mas­ter for Per­for­mance and Style

When you need paint that lasts, sup­ports sus­tain­abil­i­ty, and looks great, Scuff­mas­ter is the answer. With unmatched dura­bil­i­ty, envi­ron­men­tal­ly sound for­mu­las, and stun­ning fin­ish­es, it’s per­fect for any high-traf­fic interior. 

Ready to trans­form your inte­ri­ors? Choose Scuff­mas­ter today.