
Press neocon folio

Popping Up at NeoCon

In cel­e­bra­tion of our 50th Anniver­sary, Wolf-Gor­don presents Folio”, a pop-up instal­la­tion at this year’s Neo­Con. Locat­ed on the ground floor of Chicago’s Mer­chan­dise Mart, the dynam­ic dis­play pro­vides pas­sage through five decades of col­or, pat­tern, and tex­ture. The recent­ly pub­lished Wolf-Gor­don: Sam­ple Book pro­vid­ed the impe­tus for the struc­ture, which dis­plays each spread of the book flanked by a series of pro­ject­ing pan­els sur­faced with pat­terns cre­at­ed through part­ner­ships with lead­ing design­ers. Share your pho­tos at #wgfo­lio, and be sure to vis­it the Wolf-Gor­don/Vescom show­room in Suite 10 – 161, where our lat­est wall­cov­er­ings and tex­tiles are on display.