
Raleigh Scuffy LB 1440x976

Raleigh Pediatric Associates

At Raleigh Pedi­atric Asso­ciates, Small Kane Archi­tects designed a warm and wel­com­ing envi­ron­ment. Through­out the patient exam rooms and physi­cians’ offices, walls are fin­ished in a series of Pop­si­cle” col­ors, con­vey­ing an upbeat infor­mal­i­ty. The atri­um fea­tures our long-last­ing Scuff­mas­ter Scrubtough eggshell paint, which ensures easy main­te­nance and clean­ing in this child-friend­ly environment.

Raleigh, NC | Design: Small Kane Archi­tects, PA | Pho­tos: Marc Lamkin | Scuff­mas­ter® Paint