
News tone

Tone: Digital Printed Acoustical Wallcovering

April 5, 2018

The influ­ence of the Mod­ern move­ment is appar­ent in this wall­cov­er­ing pat­tern cre­at­ed exclu­sive­ly for Wolf-Gor­don by Ams­ter­dam-based tex­tile design­er Mae Engel­geer. Inspired by the graph­ic com­po­si­tions of artists like Piet Mon­dri­an, Engel­geer employed her eye for dynam­ic equi­lib­ri­um in com­pos­ing Tone.

The min­i­mal­ist design, dig­i­tal­ly print­ed on felt fab­ric, com­bines her knowl­edge of craft, new tech­nol­o­gy, and mate­ri­als. Tone also demon­strates the capa­bil­i­ty of WG Cus­toms Lab to print dig­i­tal art­work, includ­ing pho­tographs, on our Felt­ed acousti­cal wall­cov­er­ing.

This 100% recy­cled poly­ester fab­ric has a soft hand and mot­tled appear­ance, as well as an NRC (Noise Reduc­tion Coef­fi­cient) rat­ing of .20. High­ly durable with a Class A fire rat­ing, felt acousti­cal wall­cov­er­ing also offers resis­tance to bac­te­ria and mold.