
Wolf-Gordon Returns to Manhattan

After spend­ing near­ly 30 years in Long Island City, Queens, Wolf-Gor­don has moved its cor­po­rate head­quar­ters back to Man­hat­tan. In close prox­im­i­ty to where the com­pa­ny was first estab­lished, the move is con­cur­rent with the com­pa­ny’s fifti­eth anniver­sary year. The new office, designed by Lewis.Tsurumaki.Lewis (LTL Archi­tects), is locat­ed in the Chelsea neigh­bor­hood, at 333 Sev­enth Avenue. Through­out, LTL uti­lized the com­pa­ny’s wall­cov­er­ings, uphol­stery, drap­ery, and paints to orga­nize and trans­form the space, sur­round­ing the staff with the prod­ucts they col­lec­tive­ly design and bring to mar­ket. At the cen­ter of the office, LTL con­ceived of a unique sys­tem of slid­ing dis­play pan­els cov­ered with Wolf-Gor­don prod­ucts, which can be arranged for casu­al work inter­ac­tions and impromp­tu meet­ings, train­ing ses­sions, or par­ties and receptions.