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Scuffmaster At a Glance

LONG-LASTING DURABILITY—Scuffmaster paints have the highest scrub ratings in their class, to meet and exceed the demands of busy commercial interiors.

VIVID COLOR—Formulated with 100% titanium dioxide pigments, our finishes yield brighter, more saturated colors that resist UV fading.

NO CHARGE FOR CUSTOMS—Create or match just about any color in any of our nine finishes at no additional cost.

  • Smooth Pearl and Solid Metal provide unrivaled radiance, depth of color, and exceptional scuff resistance.
  • EnviroMetal offers a smooth or brushed metallic finish, where spraying isn’t an option.
  • The artisanal finishes, Burnished Metallic, Vapor, and Vapor Luxe, combine high-performing eggshell and metallic paints.
  • Ambient Design and Ambient Metallic have a delicate look with a rock-hard surface.
  • Engineered for the most heavily trafficked areas, Armor and Armor XL have been reformulated and boast a staggering scrub rating of 46,000!
  • ScrubTough® eggshell and ScrubTough Max semigloss paints are 40 times more scrub-resistant than the leading residential paint.
  • Formulations are made with 100% titanium dioxide pigments, yielding brighter, more saturated colors.
  • The coatings protect against moisture buildup and hold up to quats and peroxide-based disinfectants/cleaners.
  • The entire product line uses VOC-free colorants and complies with the CDPH Standard Method and MAS Certified Green® program for low emissions.
  • Our low-odor formulations have always been waterbased, and the majority are free of APEO—a potential groundwater hazard—and PFAS "forever chemicals."
  • Every finish has an HPD available, is listed in the Mindful Materials library, and can contribute to LEED performance credits BD+C and ID+C.
  • Scuffmaster products are manufactured in a facility that uses renewable energy.

You can order samples from this website or email your request to [email protected]. If your request is received by 11 pm EST, your samples will ship the same day.

There is no charge for custom colors (allow 3–5 days for delivery). We will create or match just about any color in any of the nine finishes at no additional charge. Contact your account executive or a customer service representative at 212 255 3300 for more information.


Case Study

Raleigh Pedi­atric Asso­ciates

At Raleigh Pedi­atric Asso­ciates, Small Kane Archi­tects designed a warm and wel­com­ing envi­ron­ment. Through­out the patient exam rooms and physi­cians’ offices, walls are fin­ished in a series of ​“Pop­si­cle” col­ors, con­vey­ing an upbeat infor­mal­i­ty. The atri­um fea­tures our long-last­ing Scuff­mas­ter Scrubtough eggshell paint, which ensures easy main­te­nance and clean­ing in this child-friend­ly environment.

Raleigh, NC 
Design: Small Kane Archi­tects, PA 
Pho­tos: Marc Lamkin


Case Study

Baylor University—Hurd Center

Pop­u­lous relied on Scuff­mas­ter paint to keep these spaces bright. Walls and play­ful diag­o­nal columns that framed high-traf­fic areas such as study spaces and an audi­to­ri­um were paint­ed white to mag­ni­fy the light in the build­ing. Scuff­mas­ter, with its indus­try-lead­ing dura­bil­i­ty and high scrub rat­ing, is ide­al for this high-traf­fic space, ensur­ing that it stands ready to wel­come gen­er­a­tions of stu­dents to come.

Waco, TX 
Design: Pop­u­lus 
Pho­tos: Matt Kocourek 


Case Study

Denver International Airport

Formulated to exceed the demands required for one of the nation’s busiest airports, ScrubTough was the paint of choice for the redevelopment of the South Terminal at DEN. Gallun Snow provided construction oversight; Gensler and Anderson Mason Dale were the architects.

Denver, CO 
Design: Gallun Snow Associates 
Photos: Denver International Airport

Image 8

Case Study

Washington Elementary School

When Schiller Park School Dis­trict decid­ed to build a new ele­men­tary school, it pri­or­i­tized the cre­ation of inno­v­a­tive, col­lab­o­ra­tive spaces for flex­i­ble 21st-cen­tu­ry learn­ing. Neigh­bor­hoods are dis­tin­guished by geo­met­ric shapes and col­or iden­ti­ties defined with ScrubTough eggshell paint. 

Schiller Park, IL 
Design: DLA Archi­tects, Ltd 
Pho­to: Alexan­der Romanovsky

10 x 10 by Studio RENS

Starting with a selection of 60 all-time favorite paint colors from Wolf-Gordon’s Scuffmaster range, this 10 x 10 adds in what’s not quite there yet: 40 colors that enrich the offering by celebrating the unique qualities of each finish. Dutch design studio RENS has pinpointed previously overlooked shades and tones, and has brought them together in a well-balanced collection that connects 100 colors across all nine Scuffmaster finishes.

Learn more about studio RENS

Scuffmaster Finishes

Solid Metal
Solid Metal

Glittering Bloom

Like a bouquet of brilliant flowers, Solid Metal infuses color with unparalleled radiance. The spray-applied mix of vibrant color and exceptional performance make this the industry’s most durable metallic paint. Choose a flat, satin, or high-gloss protective clear coat.

Smooth Pearl
Smooth Pearl

Ethereal Shimmer

Airy and magical, subtle in its luxury, Smooth Pearl carries a whiff of couture, the pureness of an oyster’s treasure, the glistening depth of a night sky. Choose a flat, satin, or high-gloss protective clear coat.


Industrial Harmony

Through its brushed or rolled-on texture, EnviroMetal conveys the impression of a skilled metalsmith, and it’s the easiest metallic paint to touch up.

Vapor/Vapor Luxe
Vapor/Vapor Luxe

Organic Atmosphere

Weather, a sea generating whitecaps, a sky windblown with character—Vapor and Vapor Luxe recall the omnipresence of movement in nature. Combine two eggshell colors, or go luxe with a metallic topcoat.

Burnished Metallic
Burnished Metallic

Handcrafted Motion

Traces of a handheld brush dipped in metallic pigment is manifest in Burnished Metallic. An eggshell base merges with a luminous metallic topcoat to add a shimmering texture, wherever spraying isn’t an option.

Ambient Metallic
Ambient Metallic

Luminous Mist

Smoldering embers, the warmth of a sunset, light refracted through raindrops as we move past, Ambient Metallic flickers in washed wall light. Its eggshell undercoat provides a matte backdrop for its sparkling metallic effect coat.

Ambient Design
Ambient Design

Tonal Touch

The most introverted of the finishes, Ambient Design invites touch to its pure tonal texture. Formulated for heavy-use areas that undergo frequent scrubbing and washing, the durable texture hides scuffs and stains.

Armor/Armor XL
Armor/Armor XL

Youthful Expression

Exuberant, outspoken, and loud—especially in its XL version—Armor celebrates the energy and daring of punk rock in the world’s toughest paint. Its glossy dots act like tiny bumpers in high-traffic areas.

ScrubTough/ScrubTough Max
ScrubTough/ScrubTough Max

Soft Strength

ScrubTough brings deep opacity and a highly cleanable, stain-resistant surface to busy commercial interiors in a premium, low-VOC eggshell paint. ScrubTough Max is a lustrous semigloss alternative.