
Hp roy install

Roy, Screen and Score: Upholstery for Modular Seating

| New York, NY — August 12, 2020 | Wolf-Gor­don releas­es a time­ly update to their Woven Uphol­stery col­lec­tion that fea­tures enhanced dura­bil­i­ty and col­or­fast­ness: Roy, Screen and Score. The three pat­terns are pre­sent­ed in com­ple­men­tary scales and col­ors that are eas­i­ly com­bined on mod­u­lar fur­ni­ture, pro­vid­ing design­ers the oppor­tu­ni­ty to respond deft­ly to shift­ing dis­tance and capac­i­ty requirements.

Roy, Screen, and Score are designed to meet the demands of a new wave of mod­u­lar seat­ing that relies on fab­rics with increased dura­bil­i­ty while not sac­ri­fic­ing sophis­ti­cat­ed col­or and lux­u­ri­ous hand.

- Mary­beth Shaw, Chief Cre­ative Offi­cer, Mar­ket­ing & Design

Designed for com­fort with a high loft, the three pat­terns have added dimen­sion­al­i­ty from two tone weaves. The lux­u­ri­ous tex­ture and eye-catch­ing move­ment of these woven fab­rics will stand out at a dis­tance and up close in work­place, edu­ca­tion and beyond. The poly­ester blend con­struc­tions are high­ly durable and fea­ture a stain repel­lent fin­ish, with Roy and Screen at 100k dou­ble rubs, and Score at 190k dou­ble rubs.

Roy and Screen are also approved for use on wrapped pan­el appli­ca­tions. This allows for supe­ri­or noise reduc­tion in active envi­ron­ments, espe­cial­ly use­ful for room dividers in large, open spaces such as offices and class­rooms. Sophis­ti­cat­ed white and neu­tral col­or­ways were includ­ed in these pat­terns in order to accom­mo­date ver­ti­cal applications.

Pat­tern Highlights

Roy: A zig-zag design that is the largest in scale of the three, Roy is an updat­ed mate­lassé with a thick padded look and the feel of a cot­tony quilt, but with­out any padding or sur­face stitch­ing. Well suit­ed to the geo­met­ric and curvy forms seen in con­tem­po­rary seat­ing, sev­en bold piece-dyed col­or­ways are featured. 

Screen: Screen is a medi­um-scale pat­tern with an irreg­u­lar raised grid sug­ges­tive of the neg­a­tive and pos­i­tive spaces of a room divider or win­dow screen, with a soft cot­tony tex­ture that offers a mid-scale com­pan­ion to Roy and Score. Con­sis­tent with the cur­rent trend of mix­ing and match­ing fab­rics, Screen’s col­or­ways can coor­di­nate or con­trast with each oth­er and those of Roy and Score.

Score: Sim­ple, func­tion­al and fun, Score is the small­est scale pat­tern among its coor­di­nates, and has a cot­tony feel and ver­sa­tile col­or palette. By com­bin­ing vir­gin poly­ester and post-con­sumer recy­cled poly­ester yarns in the weave, dif­fer­ent col­ors are achieved when piece-dye­ing, giv­ing added dimen­sion to the pattern. 

About Wolf-Gor­don
Wolf-Gor­don is an Amer­i­can design com­pa­ny offer­ing design­ers a wide range of inte­ri­or sur­fac­ing prod­ucts unit­ed by the com­mon qual­i­ties of excel­lent design and depend­able per­for­mance. Found­ed in 1967 as a com­pre­hen­sive source for wall­cov­er­ings, its prod­uct line has since added wall pro­tec­tion, uphol­stery tex­tiles, paints, and Wink clear, dry-erase coat­ing. Through its col­lab­o­ra­tions with lead­ing nation­al and inter­na­tion­al design­ers and in its Design Stu­dio, Wolf- Gor­don con­tin­ues to devel­op new work that is provoca­tive, inspir­ing, and of our time. Wolf- Gordon’s grow­ing port­fo­lio of licensed col­lec­tions includes designs by Lau­rin­da Spear, Karim Rashid, Petra Blaisse, Grethe Sørensen, Kevin Walz, Boym Part­ners, Frank Tjep­ke­ma, Mae Engel­geer and Ali­ki van der Krui­js. Wolf-Gor­don account exec­u­tives are based in all major mar­kets in the Unit­ed States.

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