
Press vapor

Vapor and Vapor Luxe Join Scuffmaster® Architectural Finishes

New York, NY – Wolf-Gor­don intro­duces Vapor and Vapor Luxe, arti­sanal paint treat­ments that can be eas­i­ly applied to achieve the ele­gant look of two-toned Venet­ian plas­ter. Vapor and Vapor Luxe join the company’s exist­ing Scuff­mas­ter® archi­tec­tur­al fin­ish­es line, which fea­tures high per­for­mance tex­tured and metal­lic fin­ish­es for com­mer­cial interiors.

Vapor lay­ers two dif­fer­ent shades of Scuff­mas­ter coat­ings to cre­ate a sur­face with a smoky appear­ance. Super durable ScrubTough eggshell paints can com­bine to cre­ate a soft haze; or, go Luxe” with the look of dis­tressed met­al, achieved by com­bin­ing a metal­lic fin­ish, such as Sol­id Met­al or Smooth Pearl, with ScrubTough. Scuffmaster’s water-based for­mu­las have high scrub rat­ings, low VOCs, con­tain no antimi­cro­bials, and cov­er 350 square feet per gal­lon. Vapor is com­pli­ant with Green Seal, SCAQMD, and LEED certification.

Wolf-Gor­don is the exclu­sive Amer­i­can dis­trib­u­tor for all Scuff­mas­ter paints.

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