
Brenda houston

Wolf-Gordon Captures the Essence of Rare Minerals Releases Collaboration with Brenda Houston

New York, NY – Wolf-Gor­don col­lab­o­rat­ed with design­er and artist Bren­da Hous­ton on Geo­log­i­cal Finds, a col­lec­tion of dig­i­tal wall­cov­er­ings that expose the unique lay­ers and col­ors of rocks and min­er­als. Hous­ton, an expert on rare min­er­als who incor­po­rates them into art and acces­sories of all kinds, cre­at­ed the wall­cov­er­ings by enlarg­ing dig­i­tal images of fos­sils, wood, and stone. The murals give unique impres­sions when viewed in dif­fer­ent col­or­ways and at var­i­ous scales, bol­ster­ing Wolf-Gordon’s Curat­ed Col­lec­tion with a unique oppor­tu­ni­ty to explore nature and offer it in bespoke patterns.

Hous­ton is an avid col­lec­tor of gem­stones, min­er­als, and fos­sils, a pas­sion that has inspired her to trav­el the world in pur­suit of excep­tion­al spec­i­mens. The wall­cov­er­ings in her first col­lab­o­ra­tion with Wolf-Gor­don show­case some of her most trea­sured pieces. The dif­fi­cul­ty of cre­at­ing a real­is­tic inter­pre­ta­tion of stone that has nuanced col­or and detail led her to the year-long devel­op­ment and per­fec­tion process that would allow her to ful­ly cap­ture the mate­ri­als at a scale suit­able for wallcovering.


Chryso­col­la II is a per­fect slice of stone fea­tur­ing swirls and eyes of mala­chite with the deep blues of azu­rite. The name­sake min­er­al also has glim­mer­ing quartz crys­tal accents, and is pre­sent­ed in tones of green, blue, black, and white.

Green Bog Jasper has stripes of pet­ri­fied mate­ri­als in shades of green, cream, orange, and brown. A snap­shot in time, it cap­tures the algae, fall­en trees, veg­e­ta­tion and swamp ani­mals that were in the bog where the wood was found just before it was cov­ered in fall­en ash.

Onyx Mex­i­cano is inspired by the pat­tern cre­at­ed when slic­ing its name­sake stone ver­ti­cal­ly ver­sus hor­i­zon­tal­ly, reveal­ing bands of cal­cite, iron, and var­i­ous col­ors of onyx with a rugged look. It fea­tures nat­ur­al col­ors of cream, white, ivory and yel­low, and frac­tures not nor­mal­ly seen since ver­ti­cal cuts are unusual.

Stro­ma­to­lite is an organ­ic pat­tern fea­tur­ing lay­ers of col­or formed over mil­lions of years. Based on one of the Earth’s old­est fos­sils, it is offered in deep red and pewter metal­lic colorways.