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Wolf-Gordon Introduces MATTER by Mae Engelgeer High Performing Wool Blend Textiles

Wolf-Gor­don show­cas­es the evo­lu­tion of Dutch design­er Mae Engelgeer’s craft with the release of the MAT­TER col­lec­tion, an uphol­stery series that offers new lux­u­ry in com­mer­cial fab­rics with an unpar­al­leled visu­al appeal. Three pat­terns — Mass, Merge and Points — con­vey the ten­sion between what is expressed as design via sur­face tex­ture and the less revealed depth of con­cept, rem­i­nis­cent of what is per­ceived behind a veil. The inter­play of high loft wool blend yarns with chic metal­lic fil­a­ments makes for a visu­al­ly rich and tac­tile col­lec­tion, com­ple­ment­ed by intri­cate detail­ing, geo­met­ric and organ­ic forms.

All three items achieved 100,000 dou­ble rubs on the Wyzen­beek abra­sion test. The three pat­terns also pro­vide a vari­ety of scales for com­mer­cial design­ers to select from and com­bine in har­mo­nious, sophis­ti­cat­ed col­or palettes. The MAT­TER col­lec­tion will be pre­viewed at Neo­Con 2018 in Wolf-Gordon’s 10th floor show­room, 10 – 161, along­side the company’s exten­sive lines of uphol­stery, drap­ery, wall­cov­er­ing, wall pro­tec­tion and spe­cial­ty coatings.

We are thrilled to be work­ing with Mae Engel­geer on this sec­ond col­lec­tion for Wolf-Gor­don. Mae’s con­cep­tu­al strength and ongo­ing exper­i­men­ta­tion in tex­tile design enrich our uphol­stery col­lec­tion and the over­all vital­i­ty of Wolf-Gor­don as a design force in com­mer­cial mar­kets.
- Mary­beth Shaw, Chief Cre­ative Offi­cer, Mar­ket­ing & Design

MAT­TER was devel­oped in The Nether­lands at the Tex­tielLab, a favorite loca­tion of Engelgeer’s to ideate and cre­ate. She worked close­ly with a devel­op­er to trans­late her ideas into a work­able pro­gram for the dornier weav­ing machines, and the col­lec­tion grew from a process of adjust­ing in real time, whether it be changes in col­or, scale or bind­ing. This method allowed Engel­geer to make unex­pect­ed changes in each design and pushed the col­lec­tion to the next level.

Engelgeer’s col­ors for MAT­TER are exquis­ite in their rel­e­vance for com­mer­cial inte­ri­ors. Warm and cool neu­trals, blues and off-reds span light to dark val­ues. The prod­ucts are designed and col­ored to work in com­bi­na­tion, all with­in the same sen­si­bil­i­ty of lux­u­ry and tex­ture, and metal­lic fil­a­ments intro­duce yel­low gold, rose gold and sil­ver to the mat­te wool blends.


Mass inter­prets the flecked com­po­si­tion of ter­raz­zo in a dra­mat­i­cal­ly spaced, mag­ni­fied ver­sion. The design super­pos­es stone-like floats, with a metal­lic ombré effect, to a high loft sol­id ground. Fine metal­lic yarns impart dimen­sion and light, jux­ta­posed with dense cot­ton-wool-nylon yarns. Mass comes in six col­or­ways: Char­coal, Lake, Mahogany, Soft Brick, Fawn and Cashmere.

Merge has a wool-cot­ton-nylon base that appears cabled” as the lin­ear com­po­si­tion trav­els in S‑curves across the width of the fab­ric. Metal­lic yarns, braid­ed in, add a con­tem­po­rary look and tex­tur­al appeal. Merge’s direc­tion­al qual­i­ty is coun­ter­bal­anced by per­pen­dic­u­lar ele­ments that result in a com­plex yet com­posed struc­ture. The East­ern con­cept of still­ness in motion and motion in still­ness is sug­gest­ed. Merge is offered in six col­or­ways: Cop­per Wire, Starlight, Sand Jew­el, Cin­na­mon, Per­sian Red and Gold Bracelet.

Points is a plush poly­ester-nylon-wool blend that charts a grid of small dots atop an organ­ic gran­ite-like pat­tern. The dots almost seem to be sur­fac­ing from behind a gauze‑y veil in this high­ly usable, small scale design. Points comes in eight col­or­ways: Deep Space, Spring Pond, Gran­ite, Wool, Saf­fron, Bro­cade, Uni­ty and Pearl.