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Wolf-Gordon RAMPART® Wall Protection Line Grows

New York, NY — Novem­ber 10, 2019 | Wolf-Gor­don pre­views two RAM­PART® pat­terns at BDNY (#3069), empha­siz­ing the high per­for­mance qual­i­ties of the impact-resis­tant wall solu­tions. The designs, Absolute and Bel­grade, jux­ta­pose an airy, fab­ric-inspired pat­tern with a traver­tine-look, adding a sense of whim­sy to the company’s col­lec­tion of extreme­ly durable offer­ings with a rich, mate­r­i­al-focused appearance.

Bel­grade and Absolute strength­en Wolf-Gordon’s offer­ing in RAM­PART wall pro­tec­tion, build­ing on our strat­e­gy to cre­ate archi­tec­tur­al mate­r­i­al and tex­tile-inspired pat­tern­ing that com­ple­ments con­tem­po­rary high traf­fic envi­ron­ments in hos­pi­tal­i­ty and healthcare.

- Mary­beth Shaw, Chief Cre­ative Offi­cer, Mar­ket­ing & Design

RAM­PART® wall pro­tec­tion was devel­oped to pro­vide an alter­na­tive to rigid wall pan­els for medi­um- to high-traf­fic inte­ri­ors where abra­sion, impact, and scratch­ing are a con­cern. Although the prod­uct works great in cor­po­rate and edu­ca­tion set­tings, it has tru­ly been engi­neered for high-end hos­pi­tal­i­ty and health­care. It is par­tic­u­lar­ly appro­pri­ate for envi­ron­ments sub­ject to heavy use, such as hotel and hos­pi­tal cor­ri­dors, nurse’s sta­tions, patient and test­ing rooms, pub­lic wait­ing areas, and ele­va­tor banks. 

Pat­tern Highlights:

Absolute: A design with the atmos­pher­ic, light­weight look of a linen, Absolute has a sense of depth in its sophis­ti­cat­ed, cross-hatched lay­ers. Reflect­ing the romance of the soft tex­tile, the col­or­ways give a sub­tle con­trast to the bold, plaid-like linework.

Bel­grade: The sand-like stip­ple in Bel­grade mim­ics a smooth traver­tine stone, for a pat­tern that fea­tures both a tex­tur­al repeat and com­plex lay­ers. Draw­ing on the bare­bones of archi­tec­ture, Bel­grade has col­or­ways that emu­late a stone palette.