
Press london chic

Wolf-Gordon’s London Chic Collection Expands Handcrafted Techniques and Woven Looks

New York, NY – Octo­ber 21, 2019 | Wolf-Gor­don updates its clas­sic Lon­don Chic Type II wall­cov­er­ing col­lec­tion with five pat­terns. Three addi­tions — Gra­nary Square, Waltham­stow, and West­min­ster — emu­late com­plex woven and hand-paint­ed tex­tures. In addi­tion, rotogravure ver­sions of Echo and Nou­veau join from the SO GOOD col­lec­tion by Me and Gen­er­al Design.

We devel­oped Waltham­stow, Gra­nary Square and West­min­ster in response to mate­r­i­al-dri­ven trends in inte­ri­or design, cre­at­ing arti­sanal-look­ing wall­cov­er­ings that pro­vide high per­for­mance in com­mer­cial environments.” 

Mary­beth Shaw, Cheif Cre­ative offi­cer, Mar­ket­ing & Design.


Waltham­stow reflects the art form of comb mar­bling. Orig­i­nal­ly achieved by rak­ing” paints into swirled pat­terns, the hand­craft­ed tech­nique has been trans­lat­ed to the rotogravure process with a stun­ning ver­ti­cal­i­ty. Neu­tral tones with col­or­ful hints stand along­side lus­trous Mylar streaks, inte­grat­ed into three of the colorways. 

Gra­nary Square jux­ta­pos­es the look of a chunky woven fab­ric, ver­ti­cal­ly-ori­ent­ed as in a bas­ketweave pat­tern, with metal­lic stri­a­tions and tex­tur­al emboss­ing. Both light and dark hues and sev­er­al gray shades make up the colorways.

West­min­ster, in its ele­gant sim­plic­i­ty, acts as a foil to the oth­er detailed addi­tions to Lon­don Chic. A sim­ple painter­ly tex­ture is regal in its restraint, fea­tur­ing a host of neu­tral and dark col­or­ways to match.

Echo, by Me and Gen­er­al Design, has elon­gat­ed dia­mond shapes formed from par­al­lel lines that appear to shift back and forth, giv­ing walls a kinet­ic ener­gy. It is offered in soft shades of gray and deep blue.

Nou­veau, by Me and Gen­er­al Design, repeats a sim­ple dia­mond shape in a mir­rored sequence for an ever-chang­ing design. Stan­dard mat­te off white, sand, and dark gray grounds are an ele­gant base for the dec­o­ra­tive linework.

About Wolf-Gor­don
Wolf-Gor­don is an Amer­i­can design com­pa­ny offer­ing design­ers a wide range of inte­ri­or sur­fac­ing prod­ucts unit­ed by the com­mon qual­i­ties of excel­lent design and depend­able per­for­mance. Found­ed in 1967 as a com­pre­hen­sive source for wall­cov­er­ings, its prod­uct line has since added uphol­stery and drap­ery tex­tiles, paints, and Wink clear, dry-erase coat­ing. Through its col­lab­o­ra­tions with lead­ing nation­al and inter­na­tion­al design­ers and in its Design Stu­dio, Wolf- Gor­don con­tin­ues to devel­op new work that is provoca­tive, inspir­ing, and of our time. Wolf- Gordon’s grow­ing port­fo­lio of licensed col­lec­tions includes designs by Lau­rin­da Spear, Karim Rashid, Petra Blaisse, Grethe Sørensen, Kevin Walz, the Boym Part­ners, Frank Tjep­ke­ma, Mae Engel­geer and Ali­ki van der Krui­js. Wolf-Gor­don sales rep­re­sen­ta­tives are based in all major mar­kets in the Unit­ed States.

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