
Dezeen el muro

Wolf-Gordon exhibits collection of statement wall coverings by Latin American artists

Col­lec­tion: El Muro
By: Dezeen Staff
Novem­ber 192024

Wolf-Gor­don invit­ed sev­en His­pan­ic artists who live on either side of the US-Mex­i­co bor­der to design a wall cov­er­ing that cel­e­brates pat­tern­ing and murals through the lens of their lived experience.

The col­lec­tion was con­ceived as an exhi­bi­tion for Mex­i­can artists north and south of the US-Mex­i­co bor­der, explor­ing issues of iden­ti­ty, cul­ture, and heritage.

The fam­i­ly oper­at­ed sur­face design brand has been oper­at­ing for over 50 years cre­at­ing wall cov­er­ings, wall pro­tec­tion pan­els, paints, acoustic pan­els and upholstery.

Mex­i­co has a rich visu­al cul­ture that has served to trans­mit its tra­di­tions, rhythms of life, and belief sys­tems for thou­sands of years,” said Wolf-Gor­don chief cre­ative offi­cer Mary­beth Shaw.

Cos­mol­o­gy, the per­sis­tence of dual­i­ties, and rev­er­ence for nature and its cycles are paint­ed in murals, woven into pat­terns and sculpt­ed in an elab­o­rate vocab­u­lary of signs.”

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